GRAFF 工匠完成
"GRAFF®产品采用市场上可获得的最优质的材料和最先进的技术制造而成。作为垂直整合的制造商,GRAFF对生产过程,包括最后的精加工阶段,拥有完全控制权,以始终如一地交付出色的产品。 "
BAU - 拉丝金
AU - 金色
PC - 镀铬
BNi - 拉丝镍
PN - 镀镍
SN - Steelnox®缎镍
BK - 黑色_ Architectural Black™
MBK - 哑光黑
OB - 古铜
VBB - 复古拉丝黄铜
WT - 白色
UBB - 未抛光拉丝黄铜
UB - 未抛光黄铜
BB - PVD拉丝黄铜
PB - PVD抛光黄铜
BOX - Brushed Onyx PVD®
OX - Onyx PVD®
BRG - Rose Gold / Brushed Copper PVD®
RG - Rose Gold / Polished Copper PVD®
WB - Warm Bronze PVD®
PRB - Polished Tuscan Bronze PVD®
BRB - Brushed Tuscan Bronze PVD®
BG - Brushed Gold PVD®
BNP - Brushed Nickel PVD®
PNP - Polished Nickel PVD®
SG - Satin Gold PVD®
PG - Polished Gold PVD®
GM - Gunmetal PVD®
MB - Storm Black Marble
MG - Forest Green Marble
MW - Smoky White Marble

GRAFF’s plated finishes are Polished Chrome (PC), Polished Nickel (PN), and Brushed Nickel (BNi).

Powder coat products are resistant to humidity and ultraviolet light and have a long lifespan.