Legal / Terms of use
Access to this website by visitors is subject to the following conditions.
The information, logos, graphic elements, sounds, images, trademarks and anything else published and/or reproduced on this site are owned by (or their use is granted by third parties to) GRAFF or to companies that are part of GRAFF.
The reproduction of site content is allowed exclusively with the written consent of GRAFF. It is therefore forbidden to change, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit or divulge the content or any part of this site without the latter’s prior consent.
It is particularly forbidden to copy software that determines the functioning of this site, create programs similar to it, and trace and/or use the source code of the aforementioned programs.
GRAFF and the other companies of GRAFF does not guarantee the regular update of the information contained on this site nor can it be held responsible for any damages, including infections from computer viruses, that visitors’ apparels may suffer following access to and/or interconnection with this site or the downloading of its content. The links contained in this site can direct visitors’ search towards web pages located on sites other than this one. In this case, GRAFF accepts no responsibility in connection with the material published by such sites and with the use that third parties may make of it, both with regard to any damage caused by, or originating from, access to such sites, the interconnection with the same or from the downloading of their content.
All personal information sent to GRAFF’s site shall be processed in compliance with the law on privacy.
All non-personal information communicated to GRAFF through this site (including suggestions, ideas, drawings, projects, etc..) shall implicitly entitle the latter and the companies of GRAFF – in an exclusive, unlimited, and irrevocable way - to use, reproduce, show, execute, change, transmit and distribute such information of a non-personal nature. The communication of such information shall automatically entail the transfer of the same, on a free of charge and exclusive basis and with the widest rights and powers, to GRAFF and to the companies of GRAFF.
Contacting Us
If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the information below.
3701 W. Burnham St
Milwaukee, WI 53215
Last Edited on 2015-04-23